Good sleeping Habits to be maintained:
1.Establish a regular bedtime and waking time.
2.If you take naps, do not exceed 45 minutes of day time sleep.
3.Avoid excessive alcohol 4 hours before bedtime , do not smoke.
4.Avoid caffeine ( coffee, tea, sodas, chocolates ) 6 hours before bedtime.
5.Avoid heavy, spicy, sugary foods 4 hours before bedtime. A light snack before bedtime is acceptable.
6.Exercise regularly, but not on the time you usually sleep.
7.Use comfortable, inviting bedding.
8.Be in a comfortable sleep temperature & keep the room ventilated.
9.Reduce all the distracting noise & eliminate as much light as you can.
10.Reserve your bed for sleep & sex, avoid its use for work and general recreation.
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