It seemed clear that Mark Zuckerberg would not pass up the chance to close the purchase of WhatsApp and risk missing a step in the market for instant messaging applications. But once the deal closed, assails us a question: do you have plans to start Facebook 'monetize' WhatsApp?
It was Thursday in India, where its CEO, the famous Mark Zuckerberg, said that currently have no short term plans to 'monetize' WhatsApp. This issue, which has passed the American toes, is the main concern of many users that some turn we forced to pay more than the current amount for using their services fear.
Since we met in February that the famous social network would buy WhatsApp, many analysts wondered what would really Facebook plans to make (very) profitable their billion dollar investment. Do not forget that by the 600 million users who currently have the messaging application, the Menlo Park have paid around 19,000 million, something like 15,000 million (said quickly).
It seems clear that even Mark Zuckerberg claims that do not have a short-term plan for (more) money WhatsApp, something they intend to do that if we could not find ourselves in the most ruinous investment in recent times. Do not forget that currently the price of the service for one year is 0.89 € and there are many accounts that are free to be acquired ilimtada way WhatsApp when it was a paid app on iOS. With such a scenario, we can think of many ways that Facebook meta spoon to get money (legitimately), and some are invasive or because of advertising or directly going to affect our pocket payment or extra services' godies' could even consider making the style of LINE and 'stickers'.
Source: CNET
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